
How To Get Mtn 24GB For N3500

Mtn 24GB for N3500

If you are the kind of person that consumes a lot of data maybe you make use of data for your job either to be online or you just make use of a lot of data daily in absence of free browsing cheat then this mtn affordable plan is for you which you can get mtn 24GB for just 3500 yea huge amount of data with that little amount of money right?  We get to look into it.

Lately, mtn has been offering their active subscribers a lot of data plans that are affordable which seems to be data4me that they offer their customers once they subscribe to any plan and we’ve seen a lot of complaining online that most people complain about the mtn YouTube night bonus data that mtn grant their user seems we are in the era of getting affordable data plan by mtn. 

How To Get Mtn 24GB For 3500

As we said earlier it’s for people that consume and make use of data online and on a daily basis who can’t stop surfing the internet or get offline at any minute from the internet which can entail getting the mtn 24GB affordable data plan. 

There is nothing hard in getting this data plan for yourself it just seems something little hidden about this plan and we are about to reveal how you can get it. Get the data plan by following the procedures below. 

Just make sure just line is on the mtn pulse plan and you must be an active user to be able to be eligible for this data plan. 

How To Activate Mtn 24GB For 3500

  • To get this done make sure you are eligible for this plan before you go ahead and buy the airtime. 
  • To check if you are eligible for the mtn 24GB plan. 
  • Dial the code *121# and select the option data offer which is informed of data4me. Mtn 24GB Data4me
  • And you will be listed with the affordable data plan which is offered for you provided by mtn. Mtn 9GB Data4me
  • You will find the option for the 24GB is the second option if you are eligible for the plan. Mtn 24GB for N3500

This affordable data plan as just be spotted which we feel we should inform you guys on and how you can be eligible for such huge amount of data by following the steps below. 

How To Be Eligible For The Mtn 24GB Data Plan

  • To be eligible for the plan you have to be an active mtn user. 
  • You have to make mtn believe you consume a lot of data or make use of a lot of data casually. 
  • That can be done in a situation whereby you purchase a 1.5GB data for N300 on the offer data plan. 
  • And you make use of it for that they, when you make use of at least 1GB data daily you will get to be eligible for this plan. 

Once mtn sees the way you move in buying data they will increase the way that they will render you with a huge amount of data offered which as you promote to the next data plan it will keep increasing the amount of data you will get. 

How To Check Mtn 24GB Data Balance 

Dial the code *131*4# which is the standard code to check your balance and it’s also used to check your 24GB data plan. 

Which will appear to you on a popup message and SMS with full data balance history plus bonus data. 


This plan is not any free browsing cheat or free browsing trick or tweak it’s just an affordable data plan with a huge amount of that which we suggest you go for if you do or buy a lot of data casually. 

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