
Mtn South Africa Free Browsing Cheat On HTTP Custom VPN 2022

Mtn South Africa Free Browsing Cheat On HTTP Custom VPN 2022

Here is another recommended free browsing that you should look into: the MTN South Africa free browsing cheat on HTTP custom VPN for 2022.

If you have one that you have been searching for how to get free browsing cheat 2022 or other related things like affordable sheet free browsing and other and you are based in South Africa. 

This also implies that MTN is your network provider or internet service provider then you can actually look into this MTN South Africa free browsing cheat. 

You will be making use of the VPN called HTTP custom VPN which you like to talk about a little before we can show you how you can actually browse free using your MTN SIM in 2022.

About HTTP Custom VPN

Apart from getting a VPN to change your location and secure your Internet service, the HTTP custom VPN is also designed to tunnel your internet connection for you. 

Which we allow you to browse for free once you carry out some certain configuration on the VPN application. 

The kind of tunnel that you can turn on this VPN is what brought about the MTN South Africa free browsing cheat that we are about to talk about in this article. 

You should get to know more about this VPN which you can make use of also to change your location and secure your internet connection plus some other things that you know VPN apps do for you. 

But now you should know about some equipment used for the free browsing cheat below. 

Also before you look into that we will like you to know that this browsing has data caps of 100 MB which one you were able to connect to. 

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You will be able to make use of just 100 MB which is a program for people that will like to browse through the internet and not download with this cheat. 

So the choice is left to you, if you still feel like you still want to get to know how this free browsing works then keep reading to the end of this article. 

Requirements For The Mtn South Africa Free Browsing Cheat 2022

  • You must be from South Africa which is why we call it MTN South Africa. 
  • Yeah, she must be activated and ready to browse the internet. 
  • Account balance or airtime balance and data balance should be at zero or 0.0 k. 
  • You will need the HTTP custom VPN which you can download from here
  • A configuration file that will be used to tunnel the free browsing will also be needed. 
  • Get one such configuration file from here

Once you have gotten a requirement you can now learn how you can set up the free browsing below. 

using the procedures provided. 

How To Setup Mtn South Africa Free Browsing 2022

This new MTN free browsing for South Africa is the one that we should call the latest one for 2022 which you can use with the HTTP constant VPN. 

  1. Once you have downloaded and installed a VPN from the above download link. 
  2. Don’t you need next is to open the VPN. 
  3. And find the options menu name and open the config file. 
  4. The menu can be located once you click on the + button that is floating on the VPN main page. 
  5. Once you click on the open configuration file you can now go ahead to select and find the config file you download above. 
  6. Make sure you open or import the config file correctly once that is done. 
  7. You need to turn on your MTN South Africa mobile network or internet network. 
  8. That should be done in the notification bar of your phone. 
  9. Then you can now click on connect on the VPN so as to start browsing for free with your MTN South Africa network. 

That’s just it, as you said earlier you can browse at the data caps of 100MB with this free browsing cheats 2022.

Go to the article, follow up the steps that are impossible carefully so you have to get things to work for you, and in case you face an issue during the process you can state it down in the comments section so as to look into the wind off problem you might be facing and get it fixed for you. 

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