
Latest Mtn Unlimited – How To Get Mtn Unlimited Data And Airtime 2023

Mtn Unlimited Data And Airtime

We’ve made a related articles on how you can get some huge amount of mtn data and airtime by following some tricks or steps which entails the usage of using mtn yafun yafun plan here is another related stuff which we will use the mtn win back offer to get mtn unlimited data.

This attached to two things which you will be able to get mtn unlimited airtime likewise data by following some procedures all thanks to legitdroid for bringing some clarification and our attention to this bless up. 

Latest Mtn Unlimited Data And Airtime Tweak 2023

  • We’ve made an article on mtn win back offer before
  • Which the offer is for some selected mtn user’s. 
  • That when you are eligible for the offer you will be granted some bonus airtime and data. 
  • But the main part is to be eligible for the mtn 2023 win back offer. 
  • Which the offer is valid for 15 days if you are granted the offer. 

And you must be a valid and eligible mtn customer before this mtn unlimited airtime and data offer can work for you. 

How To Know If You Are Eligible For The Mtn Win Back Offer

Everything you need to know about the eligibility status of the win back offer. 

And everything you want to know about mtn win back offers are all stated here

But you should also know that anybody that has kept their sim without usage for upto 60 days. 

Are likely to be eligible for the win back airtime and data offer. 

You will use the eligibility of the win back to get the mtn unlimited data and airtime tweak working straight forward. 

How To Activate The Mtn Unlimited Data And Airtime Win back tweak

  1. This is just a tweak or simply trick and not a free browsing cheat
  2. To activate the latest mtn unlimited tweak 2023 you will have to be eligible for the mtn win back offer.
    Mtn win back offer
  3. As we said earlier, once you’ve confirmed you are eligible. 
  4. Follow the procedure. Buy mtn airtime of N100 for first. 
  5. Then load the airtime with the following pin also known as win back offer recharge pin. 
  6. *161*recharge card pin# then after the card has been loaded. 
  7. You will be given N600 and Mtn 100MB data. 
  8. Here we go. What you have to do now is to buy another recharge card again and load it with the same pin above. 
  9. Then you will be given another N600 airtime and 100MB again respectively. 
  10. That makes your airtime to be N1,200 win back airtime and 200MB win back data offer. 
  11. Good and also remember you’re normal airtime still available which is N200.
  12. So all you have to do is to keep loading your line with N100.
  13. You get to load up to 1,500 using the same code *161*pin# and you will keep getting that N600 and 100MB data. 
  14. After you have accumulated enough then you can sell out the main airtime to share and sell airtime purchasing. Or. 
  15. follow the method in this article to get or Convert your airtime to cashback straight forward. 
  16. Automatically you have accumulated enough mtn airtime and data which make it to be mtn unlimited airtime and data tweak. 
  17. That’s just it. 

Note: You have to be eligible for the mtn win back offer before this can work for you and don’t load the airtime with normal mtn recharge code (*555*pin#) and don’t load the recharge through USSD which is direct from bank and other just use the win back offer recharge pin which is *161*pin#.

Read more about mtn win back offer here and try out the process if it works for you but it’s as already confirmed 100% working. 

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