
Latest Method For Mtn My Offer ( 1GB for 200, 1.5GB for 300 & 2GB 500 )

mtn data offer

Mtn data offer or Mtn data offer for likely we call is mtn my offer is an offer that is redeemed to all mtn users that
are active, which involve getting mtn airtime at affordable and cheap rate and also getting data plan at affordable
and cheaper rate involved Mtn 1GB for N200, 1.5GB for N300 And 2GB for N500.


Although we’ve published an article of same topic before but with different ways of activation process, that is if
you were unable to activate your mtn line using old steps to check your mtn offer4me data plan,  yes I pronounce
new words “Mtn offer4Me” that’s the main name is being called for the old ways of activating the plan.


We follow easy way to activating the mtn data offer for me by just dialing *121# which this is different,
Remember we said you can get mtn 1GB for 200, 1.5GB for 300 And 2GB for 500 yes that Does not means you
will be available for all at once it’s and offer is either you get offer of 1GB or 1.5GB likewise 5GB offer it’s depends on the one your mtn sim is el
igible for. 


Let’s check the activation process out. 


How Can I Activate My Offer Plan? 


  1. Go to your phone and dial the following code *567# .
    mtn oofer
  2. After you dial the code you will be provided with the list of data offers or airtime offer which you are eligible for.
  3. It ranges from airtime offer to data offer.
  4. Then your data offer either 1GB or 1.5GB likewise 2GB will be provided in the last option if you are eligible for any as shown below.
  5. Load the worth of airtime which you are eligible for 200,300 or 500 plans


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How Can I Check Your Mtn Offer Data plan Balance? 


  • You can go to your sms app and send 2 to 131 to see your data plan balance.
  • Easy way you can go to your phone and dial the *131*4# to check your mtn data plan. 

How Days Mtn Offer Data Plan Is Valid for? 

The data plan depends on the one you are eligible for but most likely are valid for 7days unless you go for higher
plan like 1000, 2000 or 3,500 plan
4GB, 9GB and 20GB


That all,  which mtn data offer where are you eligible for ?


Let us know by specifying the view in the comments section. Telegram channel is always open for free updates. 

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