Hello fellow, I started with greetings because it quite long a little since we bring update to you mostly on mtn data or let just say free browsing and affordable data plan, Nevertheless if you are on my telegram channel I said earlier that I will be some update to you yea I said it, if you have not join try to join and stay more updated on latest free browsing cheats and affordable data plan mostly for these recent year we are 2024 ans others.Ā
This Article leads you through the ways how you can activate several mtn data at affordable price or
we can also call or cheat or not for the 2024 we are cause it seems to be little discovering.Ā
We take it step by step from lower to upper which we will explain to you how you can activate
mtn 200MB for N50, Mtn 1GB for N300, Mtn 2GB for N500, Mtn 4GB for 1000, Mtn 10GB for 2000 and
more related cheap and affordable data plans for 2024.Ā
Let being as we said earlier we take it from the bottom to the Top to make you understand it well.
How To Activate Mtn 200MB For N50
Actually this plan is cheap if you thought and it available for quite long now but seems people
donāt notice to Activate the Mtn 200MB for N50:
- You just have to dial *312*25# make sure if have N50 worth of credit on you mtn line before dialling the code.
- After dialing it, wait for a successful message which will imply that you have successfully activated the data
Mtn 200MB for N50, 200Mb will be redeemed to your line instantly. - Now we go about how you can be able to activate mtn 1GB or 1.5GB For N300 see it below.
How To Activate Mtn 1GB or 1.5GB for N300
Actually we have discussed this plan before which also brings implications to the post under
Mtn Data offer 4Me but we think it will be a good idea to discuss it again.
To Activate the Mtn 1.5GB or Mtn 1GB for N300 just go to your phone:
- Dial *121*1# and select the appropriate data plan 1.GB for N300
then it will prompt you for auto renew of plan.
- Select no which is recommended Boom you have successfully got your mtn line Activated we
1.5GB for N300 cheap data plan. - Is the plan affordable or not? Let know view the comments section.
Now let move to the next one which is how you can get your line activated with mtn 4GB for N1000.
How To Activate Mtn 4GB for N1000
This also implies Mtn Data offer 4Me plan which is in a straightforward way.
To Activate the mtn 4GB for 1000 just go to your phone :
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- Dial *121# and Select the option Mtn Data offer 4Me
- Then you will be provided with the option 4GB for 1000 awesome or not?
- Make selection on it and subscribe to the plan with the prompt option that is provided.
In case you can find the option at your side or on your line, weāve discovered that the option show up to
activate mtn userās that do subscribe to there plan well before no any trick to make it work for you,
you just have to try another line if you still want to insist in getting the plan Activated.
Below is another option if the above method or above subscription plan does not work for you,
let check out how to get mtn 2GB for N500 and 10GB For N2000 let go.
How To Activate Mtn 2GB for N500
Above we share a way of activating mtn 200MB for N50 which seems to be the method we will use
to get these out next plan activated.
To activate mtn 2gb for 500 you just have to follow above method of activating the 200MB just by:
- Dialing *131*25# on your mtn data line, yes I know your line will be credited with 200MB with just 50 donāt panic.
- You just have to keep dealing with the code called accumulation method, till you reach the amount
you want but for the method it is 2GB for 500. - So when we reach 500 we stop dialing the code and by that we have successfully activated mtn 2gb for 500.
Now we move to the last but not the least.
Which is activation of 10GB for 2000
How To Activate Mtn 10GB For N2000
Follow the same method as stated above to get the plan or data activated on your line.
Which we called accumulation method, accumulate as much as N2000 amount of data by dialing the
normally code *13*25# from N50 it is approximately 10GB that all.
Now that you have learned several ways on how you can get your mtn line activated with a cheap and
affordable data plan donāt hesitate to share the methods and likewise these posts with your friends.
Also remember to drop a comment in the comments section. It means a lot to us to enjoy your cheap and affordable data plan on your mtn line, visit and join our telegram channel for latest free browsing and cheat for 2024 see you guy soon.Ā
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