Here is another latest WhatsApp feature that most people seem to fall in love with, that is why we like to show you how to post voice note on WhatsApp status on android or iOS devices.
This feature is new for WhatsApp official users which is one of the updates that they just launched or related to the WhatsApp status voice note features.
There are other features too but this seems to catch the attention of most people that are fond of using the instant messenger app.
So in this article, you will learn how to post voice notes on WhatsApp status on android devices WhatsApp that you can get from the play store.
And also other devices won’t be left out for we will also talk about how to post voice on WhatsApp status iPhone iOS users, this feature seems to be available for everyone.
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WhatsApp Voice Note On Status
This WhatsApp voice note on status is the kind of feature that 80% of WhatsApp users have been searching for and like to see on their appropriate device WhatsApp app.
Some apk or other modified WhatsApp like GBwhatsapp, FMWhatsapp, and more have seemed to roll out these features earlier.
Which people that make use of such an app to open or access their WhatsApp has been making use of it.
But it was made official recently which means the voice note on WhatsApp status features now seems like something new to most WhatsApp users.
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That is one of the major reasons why we came about this post on how to post voice notes on WhatsApp status. Most people seem to know about it.
They feel stranded because the features do not show on their WhatsApp app but don’t worry we are going to explain to you what you need to do so as to make the features appear on your device.
What You Need To Do Before You Can Get The WhatsApp Status Voice Note Features.
- For Android users go to your play store search for WhatsApp and make an update of it.
- For iOS iPhone users go to your App store and search for WhatsApp then make an update to the instant messaging app.
- After that is done make sure you follow the step below so as to make use of the status voice note features on your WhatsApp.
How To Post Voice Note On WhatsApp Status On Android & iOS
For your info, this article refers to how to post voice on WhatsApp Story which is what some people out there call WhatsApp status.
Now let me show you how you can be able to post your own voice note on your WhatsApp status which works 100% for android and iOS or iPhone users without making use of any modified WhatsApp.
Steps To Enable The Whatsapp Voice Note On Story Features
- Firstly follow the procedure above and update your WhatsApp to the latest version.
- That should be done from your google play store or app store.
- Then go ahead to open your WhatsApp instant messaging app and slide to the status section.
- Now click on the pen icon you see there to do if you want to write something on your WhatsApp status.
- Look straight below the section when you are in your write-down WhatsApp status mode.
- You should see a mic icon 🎤 which is used to send voice to your friends on WhatsApp but now on WhatsApp status.
- Long press on it to start recording voice notes on your WhatsApp status.
- You should be able to record just 30 seconds of voice notes on your status which might increase soon.
- Now you have just been able to post a voice note on your WhatsApp status without any further stress.
- You can now keep playing around with these features for you don’t need any form of subscription just to get that done.

The steps we mentioned above are generally applied to iOS, iPhone user and android users where no one is left A-side so as to make the WhatsApp voice note on status work for them.
These features can be seen provided on the official version of WhatsApp v2.23.3.77 which you can check your WhatsApp so as to know if the voice note on status features will work for your phone.
Other Interesting Latest WhatsApp Features You Should Know About (What’s New)
- The caption can be added to any document you want to send.
- Link captions can now be attached to any pictures or files you posted on your WhatsApp status which users or your friends can click on.
- More description of group features has been added that can help you to provide support for a longer time.
- 100 photos can now be sent out once which seems WhatsApp does not increase its cloud features.
- WhatsApp now allows its users to create their own personal avatars which can look like you.
- Avatar bar setting or setup is now added so as to provide a more smooth setup for your WhatsApp avatar just like Facebook messenger.
There are other amazing features that WhatsApp just added both for iPhone and Android users which you won’t like to leave out from updating your WhatsApp.
Don’t let anyone oppress you with the latest WhatsApp status voice note features.
Go update your WhatsApp now and start catching more fun with your WhatsApp happy Whatsapping.