
How To Get Mtn 5GB For N1000 ( Mtn Super Data Deal)

mtn 5gb for N1000

This data plan is one of best data bundles that has just been discovered so far, in relation to the mtn 3.25GB for N800 that we made an article on some days ago. The mtn data plan or data bundle is called mtn super data which implies getting mtn 5GB for 1000.


Although the plan is just a normal data plan from an mtn network provider which is affordable, is it?  Quite clearly mtn N1000 data plan can be gotten at the rate of 2GB or 3GB lastly unless you are eligible for any offer from mtn that when you can get mtn 4GB for 1000 quite simple and explanatory. 


We now introduce another data plan or data deal to which is called mtn super data, By getting mtn 5GB for 1000 Wow seems to be awesome because it said to be a mouthwatering data plan let move to how we can get the data plan activate buh before then we check some features of the data plan. 


Features Of Mtn 5GB For N1000

  • The data plan is a normal data deal. 
  • No VPN is needed to power-up the data. 
  • Data deal is enjoyable for mtn users only. 
  • Data plan validity is 14 days, Quite Alright. 
  • Speed rate is superb. 
  • Most mtn users are eligible for the Super data. 
  • Data connection of internet connection can be shared through Tether hotspot. 


Now proceed to the super data deal activation process but. 


According To Mtn About The Super Data Deal

mtn 5gb activation

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As shown in the screenshot above, you get 5GB for just N1,000 by dialing a simple code. Let go deep about how you can activate the data plan. (SUPER DATA PLAN) 


How To Activate Mtn 5GB For N1,000 Super Data 

  1. Go to your phone and dial the following code *567*143# .
  2. But before you do make sure you have Airtime Worth Of N1000 or 1000 on your Line.
  3. After dial-ling the code A page will be prompt to you telling you to proceed with the super data deal. Activation.
  4. Select option One (1) And proceed with the activation.
  5. The you will receive a message as shown below :
  6. Congratulations that you have successfully activated mtn 5GB for 1000.
    That’s all the data is valid for 14days as stated earlier. 

Note: The  data deal is available or all mtn subscribers are eligible for the super data deal (Mtn 5GB for N1000), if you are unable to subscribe for the data plan or you keep getting error message, let us know view the comments section so that we can bring solution to that. 


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Enjoy yourself during the quarantine period with your mobile phone loaded with mtn data, kindly show so love to us by sharing the article to your friend, also our telegram channel Is open for fast updates. 


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