Telegram 8.4.4 is Telegram’s latest version release. This version is packed with some cool and exclusive features. Spoiler text style, translations, emoji reactions to messages, and more. You definitely love these new features.
Telegram has gained much popularity over the years. With its exclusive features and top privacy features, it is arguably expected to overtake WhatsApp sometime in the future. Telegram is an open-source project and it gives users total control of the conversions and data. Group admins also have total control over their groups and can choose what’s allowed in the group and can also immediately delete unwanted messages, admins can also integrate bots to manage groups for them.
Telegram 8.4.4: new cool features you’ll definitely get addicted to
On the other hand, WhatsApp doesn’t give users and group admins total control, and bots cannot also be integrated to manage groups, an admin can’t even delete unwanted/spam messages(although, that will be considered sometime this year).
Data on WhatsApp can’t also be stored in the cloud whereas, data on telegrams is stored in the cloud and can be accessed anywhere. Although telegram also has its cons against WhatsApp, I’ll choose to use telegram most of the time. Even though they have their use for different functions.
Following the release of the telegram 8.4.4 beta a few days ago, the official telegram 8.4.4 was released.
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The beta version was released a few days earlier to give users some insight on the latest release, test out new features and also check for bugs. The telegram 8.4.4 seems to work fine on most devices and definitely has some cool features. We’ve explored some of these features, check them out below.
Telegram 8.4.4: new features to explore!
- Spoiler text styling.
This is one of my favorite features of the new telegram release. This feature allows you to hide some parts of a text and can only be seen by tapping on the text. Users can easily set this up by highlighting text and selecting “spoiler” as styling to the text. Both you and everyone else viewing the message will have to tap on it to view the hidden text.

- Emoji reaction
Just like on Facebook, the new telegram 8.4.4 now allows users to react to messages. You can apply this by double-tapping on a message. The default emoji is also a thumbs-up emoji, although this can be changed in the settings. If you want to apply other emojis, you can just tap on the message once and select your desired emoji.

- Translation
Translation has been available on telegram for some while now, but it’s been notched up a bit on this new release. You can now specify what language you don’t want to be translated, that is languages you’ll be fluent in and those languages will not be translated. This feature is useful when chatting on international groups with multiple languages in them.
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- More animated emoji

We don’t have to say much on this, do we?
Telegram 8.4.4 Download link
Here’s the link to download the play store below, you can also directly download the apk file to manually install.
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