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Mindsumo Review: Make $20 Or More Daily On 2023 Make money online

You use Google every day you search for answers you search for solutions you search for fun and research to prove your friend wrong but did you know that you can use it to make big money online yes there’s a website that pays you to just search Google using mindsumo which we will make a review on how you can make money from now. You can use it on your phone on your laptop or your computer and you can do it from anywhere in the world.

Also, note that you can do it from your bed from the beach you can do it while waiting in line you can do it on your right home you can do it literally anywhere you want to as long as you have access to the Internet and if you read and watch our video tutorial until the end we will explain step by step how to do this so you can start making money right now. 

How To Make Money Online Searching Google With The Help Of

As always I will explain each and every step and I want you to follow along with me so right after this article ends you will be ready to go out there and earn some real money so pay close attention and follow the steps and keep in mind that this is going to be a really really easy tutorial.

since we will be using only two websites the first one is just going to be and I’m going to show you the second one in a minute which you might already know about.

but first of all, I just want to address something a lot of you guys are asking why I’m sharing these methods with you like why don’t I just keep them for myself and make money.

I’m doing this to help you because I know there’s a lot of people out there struggling to make money online and I already have my own business model that makes a lot more money and when I say a lot more I literally mean like 700,000 dollars in 13 months or something like. 

Steps On How To Make Money Online Using Mindsumo

So the first step for you is just to open up Google and leave it like that. Now the main website that we will be using combined with Google to make money online is going to be but you must keep attention to visit direct here.

because if you just go over straight to and you try to figure it out on your own you will not know what to do but I’m going to show you this simple Google trick that will actually allow you to get paid a lot of money with mindsumo.

We are going to show you how to combine those two in order to make money just by searching Google and I’m also going to explain how this works and if you follow each and every step you will be ready to make money.

As you can see has been working with some of the biggest companies in the world so you know it’s worth it they’ve been working with Pepsi and Johnson, Amazon, Starbucks, Disney, Adidas, Facebook, Coca-Cola, Spotify, Microsoft, American, Express, Yahoo, IBM and much much more.

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Make money online on mindsumo

these are some of the biggest companies in the entire world and take a look at how much is there to be made like one simple search can be this big there’s a lot of money to be made here you will just need to sign up to and you might be asking how do you do that.

How To Sign Up On Mindsumo

To register or sign up on mindsumo,  well you click on where it says login/ sign up since you don’t have an account yet just click on sign up. 

You can sign up for absolutely free. Just enter your first name and last name, your country, your email address,  then you will create a unique password and then you will select your birthday.

Next is to select your gender and then you will need to rate yourself in the following skill areas and so you will need to select from creativity skills, marketing skills, and technical skills. 

This is really optional but I recommend you select something like average proficiency or above-average proficiency regardless of what your skills actually are but this is going to give you higher chances of making more money. 

so I would select average proficiency. You don’t have to click those first three boxes because that’s going to sign you up to their email list.

and that’s obviously not what you want. You don’t want any spam emails or whatsoever so you will just need to click those next two boxes to accept their terms and conditions along with their privacy policy.

mindsumo review 2021

which you can read by clicking on those two links after that just click on I’m not a robot and just click sign up and now you have an account in

Login To Mindsumo Account 

Once you log into your account you can Scroll down a little bit and you’re going to be able to see all those different challenges, questions, and projects which you can answer and get paid for.

Doing that so you can see they’re paying all the way from a couple of hundreds of dollars all the way up to thousands of dollars and there on the left-hand side you are going to be able to see different categories which you can select so there is definitely going to be no shortage of money to be made on this website since there are new questions new projects and new challenges coming in every single day. 

Creating Answer For Projects 

let us just show you some projects if I open up, for example, the project you’re going to be able to see how much money people have been making with this challenge alone.

You can see that this is their total budget and there are the results of those projects. Sometimes it’s going to be a lot more than that. 

stick with me so I can show you that simple Google trick and how exactly you will be paid to search on Google.

Anyways, I want you to come back and select some of these categories. For example, let’s go with computer science.

make money online through google search on

then just select any of those projects and like and you will enter that project as you can see they’re going to ask you a question right there. 

This is the main question that we need to answer and we have a chance to win some amount of money so what’s that Google trick.

How To Earn From Mindsumo Using Google Trick 

what you will need to do will need to copy the question heading.

then go over to Google and paste the question right there so we can find an answer there on Google.  you can go through all of those articles. 

For example, open up one and try to find if there is an answer to our questions and you can see that this is exactly what we’re looking for they’re giving us examples on those ones and this is a really really professional answer. 

It will most likely win one of the top shares on here and you saw how easy that was. All I did was copy the question and then I just went over to Google. I searched for that question and now I have an answer over here.

mindsumo make money online

The next thing I need to do is to edit the answer a little bit so that I can go back to Google and I search for Google Docs and I will click on the blank right there.

The next thing I need to do is to edit the answer a little bit so that I can go back to Google and I search for Google Docs and I will click on the blank right there.

then go back to the article then you can copy and paste some of the answers right there go back to copy another one so the longer the answer the better for you and the higher the chances of you making money if your answer is more profound or if your answer is longer. 

you can, of course, edit this you can change the font you can change the colors you can maybe change the words for example.

instead of this I can just select it and I can change it to blue and I can maybe change that part to bold or something like that as you can see it’s fully customizable and it’s really really easy so just search for the answer on Google edit it in Google Docs.

Once you’re done it just click the file, go to download, and download it as a PDF document once you open up that document it’s going to look something like this.

As you can see this is really really professional once you have it on your computer you will just come back there and you will submit the answer and you will most likely be in a share on the money from this question. 

Bear in mind you will not win the full money. You will need to share that with other participants but as you saw it was really really easy and it took me less than five minutes to find the answer on Google. Now I have a chance to win hundreds of dollars for absolutely free.

All you need to do is just search on Google for the answer, find the answer and once you find that I just need to click on this I have an idea and then log into my account, enter my email address, my password, and submit the answer. 

that’s how easy it is just by searching on Google there’s a huge chance of making a lot of money online of course it’s not guaranteed that you will always win the challenge and get the share of the prize but it takes you just a couple of minutes to search in Google it’s really easy and as I said you can do it from anywhere you like so why not do it in your spare time and make some extra income and that is. 

If you still don’t understand what we mean in this article you can watch the video above for more explanation and enlightenment on how this works… 

We hope to find you the best way that will allow you to make money online. Make sure you stick with us and come back for more related posts.


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  1. I’ve done that but, to summit the solution has become a damn thing. I click on summit but the summit button not responding.

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