Here is a new strategy using your smartphone to make money online, isn’t that crazy now I know this sounds unbelievable but right on this article I reveal the secret of this brand new strategy that no other people talking about this is suitable for completely new beginners that have never made any money online before and this is 100% free method and work through worldwide. How to Make money online on Offervault pay per click.
I will show you how to sign up for a free account and walk you through every little details and steps and giving you all the real world examples by the end of this article you could be making your first $100 or even your first one now through online and somebody’s i’ll even share some little secret if that will help you to earn double more money compared to other people you’re definitely kick yourself if you miss out on this special kids.
Offervault Pay Per Click Earning Strategy
Follow up real quick let me show the payout right on this website some of them to pay above $5 and then pay $42 next go down below confined there’s so many different offers that pay use different amounts of money and sometimes even pay you up to $700.00 that you confused now.

don’t worry I’ll try to make it as simple as possible and by the end try to read this article to the end, you could be making your first $100 it just five clicks now the first step that I want you to do once you come over to the homepage of Offervault click here to visit.
I want you to Scroll down below and look for a category that can see your trending searches. Basically the show with the top ten different offers top ten different categories that you should focus on to make the most amount of money now in this article.
want to show an example using a gift card which is one of the trending offers on offervault. Now you’re going to click this category which is a gift card or search for a gift card using the search bar.
from the others good ticket to this patient showed you all the offers related to gift cards up from their minutes go down look and see there on the left section the first column they actually offered him considered especially the name of the offer and from there you can see the payout as well $65 from just one click 20 dollars $20 again and again.
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of different offers that we can use to make money online right here on Offervault now right on this article. I want to save you a lot of time and show you what is the best and what I’m using personally right now to make a lot of money.
Ways used To Earn On Offervault Pay Per Click
Before we get into that, I want you to take a look at a particular section as shown in the screenshot. We want you to take a look at this particular offer of 500 Amazon gift card sweepstakes you can see for $20 in one single click.
only going to do just click on this link word there and that’s going to bring it to a page and that’s the name of the offer and basically they’re going to pay you $20 per lead meaning $20 from just one single click.
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so basically that’s the official website of this particular now when you click on that and that’s going to bring you to this page now the concept here is really simple on Offervault basically confined to different offers literally hundreds and hundreds even offers and they’re going to give you all that is done for you .
for example these web servers here they’re all done for you you don’t have to create any of the websites you don’t need any technical skills all you gotta do is just grab a link and scrub your link.
just want to make it very clear any of these websites they are pre made and done for you so what’s going to happen is that when people click on your link they’re going to land over to a page and once they fill up this detail and fill out the form you can see there for example their name the address and so on and when they click on the next button that’s actually considered 1 clear one lead and that’s going to pay you 20 U.S. dollars that’s all you gotta do.
the coolest thing about offervault and CPA marketing is that you don’t have to sell anything you don’t have to refer anyone you don’t need any videos or website you don’t need any social media followers and all you gotta do is just grab one simple link just one link and getting people to click on them and for every single click you’re going to get paid 20 U.S. dollars.
that’s it and if you keep reading this article to the end I’ll show you exactly how to get $20 again and again as you can just repeat the entire strategy and apply them to any offer that you want right there on upper board and you can make as much money as possible so from there let me show you exactly how to get a lot of clicks for free from any countries in the world.
How To Earn More On Offervault Pay Per Click
we’re going to dive in to show you a lot of special bonus teams so moving on this actually the second website where you can get a lot of free traffic and getting a lot of people to click on your link.
The name here is actually Pinterest There’s so many people showing different free Amazon gift card picture and guess what so far if I click on this picture and that’s gonna take me to a page as you can see there on the screenshot and when let’s go down below you can see that’s actually a link you can see $200 Amazon gift card.
when I click on this link right there and when I fill in the details this guy is going to make money as you can see there’s so many people using these exact strategies and getting a lot of people to click on their link on Pinterest and what they do just simply putting up a picture and sharing an image.
this one another 500 Amazon gift cards now all I gotta do I just click on this picture right sure and once again that’s going to take me to a page and very simple to just put in a title of description and they leave details that’s actually the CPA of the links price about that could be an offervault link.
If I go onto this page whenever I fill in the details and when I click on this button that’s considered one click and discover here is going to make 20 U.S. dollars just as simple as that so right now I know that what you’re thinking right how can I actually create those images and pictures and don’t worry I’ll show exactly how to get there for free.
you don’t have to create any of your own images. You don’t need any technical or design skills. I’ll show you everything how to get free pictures somewhere else then you can post them on pinterest so right now i will show you how to sign up for a free account on pinterest.
How To Create A Pinterest Free Account
- from there i want you to go on to google and just there I want you to go onto Google and just search for Pinterest and see your Pinterest.
- you can click on the 1st link right there and from that that’s going to take you to the home page of Pinterest.
- basically they allow people sharing different images and photos right on this website.
- all you gotta do is you can just put in your email address your password and your age and you can sign up for a free Pinterest account.
once again this is 100% free and this is available worldwide so from there once you login into your Pinterest account.
That’s when you’re going to see on your dashboard basically can see different recommendations and different photos and images.
How To Pin Image On Pinterest
moving on what I want you to do is that you can see there’s a plus button at the bottom, you can do this on your phone you can do this on your computer.
click on this plus button and you can see how you can actually create a new pin and as you can see there.
And all you gotta do just click on to create a new pin and from there that’s going to bring you to another page.
This is actually very simple. You just have to upload an image just like this one, see that’s actually an image and from there you’ll need a title for example with the $500 Amazon gift code.
That’s going to be your title as you can see here and just a brief description and from there the most column thing is to little inviter you can see there at a destination link.
In just a moment I show step by step exactly how to put up photos and how to fill out information and you can create images like this and every single month that literally thousands and hundreds of 1000 people could have browsed on Pinterest and they’ll look for a free Amazon gift card.
and you eventually found your images now the more images that you upload the more PM that you created more people will eventually click on your link to claim their free Amazon gift card and just imagining one single day getting hundreds and hundreds of people clicking on your link
some of them will eventually fill up the form some of them might not but the coolest thing about that is that you don’t have to sell anything people don’t have to buy anything just fill out the form and it just one single click can reach 20 U.S. dollars.
This entire strategy requires no investment at all this is 100% free.
How To Get Image To Upload On Pinterest For The Offervault Pay Per Click Offer
Moving on I wanna show how to get free images right on Google.
Now when you go onto and just click on images and from there you can type in a keyword which is a Free Amazon gift card and just click on the search button and from there you can find different images on Google.
You can literally download and copy and paste the real bold that ratio on Pinterest just like the example we show you right there.
One thing to keep in mind is that all of these images on Google are actually copyrighted so you cannot just simply copy other people’s photos that are actually illegal.
That’s the reason why I will show one extra step which is very important if you miss that you will not make any money so make sure to pay close attention.
Right now is the click on settings on the Google search page and I want you to click on this link and see your advanced search this click on that.
From there and to bring it to this page and I want you to Scroll down to the very bottom and you can see there usage rights go usage right by default is actually all licenses.
I want you to choose creative common licenses which means you can legally share this picture with other people for free. You can download them and we can reuse them at any point.

that you want so once again make sure choose on this category for the usage rights and wanted to click on this blue button for advanced search and from desiccants equal dieseling way they will show up basically there only show you all the images which is under the Creative Commons licenses which you can actually reuse those images.
It’s now Separated but this one can see her licensable. You can click on one of the images and you can legally download this on your phone or on your computer.
then in this case if I’m using a computer again just click on this to save as an image on my computer or if you’re using a mobile phone you can just save this image on your mobile phone as well right now as you can see as successfully downloaded this image right on my computer.
And when I click on that and that’s going to open up as you can see add that’s exactly the image that we download.
How To Upload An Image Successfully On Pinterest
we’ll have to re-upload them on Pinterest right now so moving on on the final step or going to just back on your Pinterest account.
this works and drag and drop or just upload this by clicking on this button to re-upload the image now as you can see where I just successfully uploaded my image right there on this column.

And that’s where we’re going to put in our title for this so from there see for example I just put in my feelings right show into this column and I just click on the save button as simple as that.
We can just simply repeat this strategy going to Google and find different free images. Copyright free images download them and we can re upload them right there on Pinterest just like others are doing.
When people browse on your images and when they eventually click on your link they’re likely to fill out this form right here because it’s actually very easy for a simple they don’t have to buy anything and they can win free Amazon gift cards.
why not a lot people will eventually fill that up and for every single click you can earn $20 again and again.
And that’s it, how much have you earned so far on offervault pay per clicks offer.
Let us know below in the comments section and if you have any questions you can state it on the comments section too.
Remember to always come for more related posts.
where I got lost in the page you got creative commons licenses. I can’t get that page on my laptop or android. Thank you
I need someone that will guide me up on how am going to be seeing money here