It’s another season of holidays Which allowance and to engage you have saved and the 2023 true friends the Remove by inventing what they’re called MTN children’s day Treasure hunt that can allow you to earn 10,000 jumia voucher or more.
This promo offer has been rendered almost empty and customers or MTN mpulse network subscribers are said to be rolled out on the main children’s day on 27 of May 2023.
The MTN Children’s day treasure hunt has been set aside to be given away which is not something that MTN has always done on a yearly basis.
People that seem to make use of the import tariff plan which is set aside for kids or a MTN plan that is set aside for kids will be able to participate in this campaign by MTN and the Children’s day.
About Mtn Children’s Day Treasure Hunt
It has been made official by MTN on the mpulse official page that they will be giving away 10000 jumia shopping vouchers which reward 5 million Naira and will be shared between 500 children on the following the 27th of May 2023 which marks the Children’s Day.
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And this can be made official on their page which has been stated that this promo will allow you to earn 10000 worth of vouchers that can be shared between 500 children on children’s day.
And the giveaway is up to 5 million Naira which will get a reward as a jumia voucher that can be used to shop for anything on the jumia online shopping platform.

For you to participate in this can be or give away that has been set aside by MTN which is tagged as mtn children’s day treasure hunt giveaway you will need some requirements which should be stated below.
Requirements For The Treasure Hunt
One of the requirements it’s been noticed by MTN is Obi and MTN subscribers that are on mpulse tariff plan.
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Which is what we have been saying right from the beginning of this article.
The plan is mainly set aside for kids to enjoy how they can stream and round with MTN.
If you are making use of the mpulse tariff plan before then you are good to go you should be among one of the 500 children with that we share the 5 million Naira giveaway.
And in yourself 10,000 vouchers for free on this particular MTN children’s day giveaway.
But if you still wish to partake in this program and you are not on the MTN mpulse tariff plan then you can migrate using the code *344*1#.
Which is the latest official goal that can be used to join or migrate to mpulse on MTN.
And one of the alternative code that you can also use is *344#, which you can also use to fit a corner tariff plan and you shouldn’t be able to pay for any extra charges if you are migrating new on any particular plan.

Now is the time to know how you can participate in this giveaway that has been set aside by MTN so as to feature the latest season, the children’s day that is coming up the following day when this article was created or published.
How To Participate On Mtn Children’s Day Treasure Hunt & Win 10,000 Vouchers
Yes, you can stand a chance to win yourself 10,000 Union vouchers if you participate in the MTN Children’s Day Treasure Hunt and win.
- Make sure you are on the tariff plan MTN mpulse has remade mentioned above.
- Then on the 27th of May 2023, you should visit the MTN mpulse page which is stated to be on your browser.
- On the particular page you should see a state to be Mpulse children’s day treasure hunt click on it.
- Then you will be asked to improve six different kinds of children’s day quotes that have been picked from 50 of these particular quote.
- That is followed up with the letter which should be answered correctly and attached with some terms and conditions before you should think of submitting it (M P U L S E).
- If you think of participating in this quiz then you should have it on the back of your mind that you need to log in to the mtn mpulse website on the 27 of May.
- You should be tagged and confirmed to be a subscriber so as to be eligible to answer the question and submit your answer.

After that is done and you seem to answer the question correctly, which also be among the first 500 students who input the course correctly according to the letter then you should receive your own 10,000 Naira jumia voucher.
How Can I Know If I Win The Children’s Day Treasure Hunt Voucher
Once you partake and participate in the campaign or give your away then you will be notified through SMS on that particular MTN SIM online that used to register on the mpulse page.
All winners will be announced on the page and you will also be notified via email phone number now you used to register on the campaign.
All vouchers will be sent to those who actually participated in the program before May 31st, 2023.
Final Say
Let us know if you were able to participate in this MTN Children’s day treasure hunt voucher for MTN subscribers.
And let us know what you win or if you were able to get your own voucher, that is you might have been one out of the 500 lucky winners.