
How To Stop Mtn PoP Up Messages In 2023 Using The New Code

How To Stop Mtn PoP Up Messages

Since the new NCC harmonized code was released there have been major changes to all network providers with different kinds of codes which is why we now have a new process on how to stop MTN pop up messages in 2023 using the new MTN codes. 

When we talk about the new NCC harmonized code with the files to New Pool that have been set aside for all network providers which includes new MTN code we will non be talking about how to cancel pop up messages from MTN in 2023 with the help of the new code. 

If you don’t know then you should know now that there is any particular code that is awesome to be set aside which can help you to cancel or stop any pop-up messages on your MTN. 

This will also lead you to the ways on how to stop getting MTN pop up messages, the final process that will actually work for you on this recent day in 2023.

About Mtn POP Up Messages 

MTN pop up messages are different kinds of messages that you really see whenever you finish making a call or make use of some data balance you will get some particular pop up messages about the record of your airtime or data balance. 

In some other way, it can also be referred to as a message that we unleash you to see different kinds of deals that have been set aside by MTN which will be rendered to you in the form of pop-up messages. 

You can receive this particular message in different ways which some people find annoying and some people also find it amazing that allows them to stay updated. 

And the other this you should also know is that everything that has advantages also comes with a disadvantage so some people find this mtn pop-up messages as a disadvantage to them which they also call it annoying messages

Which will allow them to think of canceling or stopping such messages from coming up to their phone regularly. 

That is why we are about to show you the new MTN code that can help you to stop canceling and stop getting the Pop-Up messages. 

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While this process will also work for any related smartphone or normal phones like Android or iOS you are making use of, it is better to get to the main part of this article right away. 

How To Stop Mtn Service Pop-Up Messages In 2023 

This particular section targets different kinds of things which are intense and refers to how you take them. If you are searching for how to stop MTN pop-up messages you are on the right way and if you are intending to search for how to stop getting MTN pop-up messages you are also on the right way. 

In some cases, this is also called how to stop MTN Xtra time pop-up messages. You are also referring to the particular process we are about to share with you. 

In the earlier session, we add service to the headline which also comes with the Pop-Up section for the new code that can be used to stop such messages. 

We are going to be showing you a few easy steps and codes you need to make use of so as to stop and also activate this particular service or disagree completely on your phone or on your MTN network services. 

How To Cancel & Stop Getting Mtn Pop Up Messages Few Steps In 2023

Once you notice you are getting different kinds of pop up messages from MTN just do this. 

  • Dial The Code *312*31# That is the new MTN code
  • Once you die the code will be provided with a service or message to stop such pop up messages. 
  • After that is done you should stop receiving any related pop-up messages from MTN. 

That is just how you can stop the MTN pop up messages with the new NCC harmonized code which can also be called the new MTN code to stop MTN pop up messages. 

How To Stop Getting Mtn PoP Up Messages

You might also think of getting the messages again or if you like to still keep seeing related MTN Xtra time pop up messages then there is also a way that you can also activate salt service or search messages on your MTN line again. 

This is also a new and nice gold that has been provided by NCC so as to allow people to play around and also interact with this code on any order-related network provider apart from MTN like Airtel, 9mobile, Glo, and others. 

How To Activate Mtn Pop Up Messages With The New Mtn Code 

  • All you need to do is to go to your phone and dial the following code *312*30#.
  • After you dye it you will be provided with the next process to do so as to activate the MTN pop-up services on your line. 
  • This is the new code that can be used to activate the MTN pop up messages on your line that can also be used on other network providers. 

Stop And Activate Codes

New Mtn Pop Messages CodeOperation 
*312*31#Stop Pop up Messages 
*312*30#Activate Pop Messages 

Final Say

Hope you have been able to learn and know about the new MTN code that can be used to stop and activate pop-up messages on your MTN line. 

Used to always check back for more related articles which will always bring you an update on what you need to know. 

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