Mtn is now dishing out free data which will grant you mtn 200MB Free Anniversary data it’s now left for you to read this article to the end so as to know how to get your own mtn free 200MB and use to sustain some data that you might purchase in future in respective ways make sure you read the article to the end so as to know how you can get your own mtn free 200MB so that you won’t left behind let’s get into details.
It’s mtn 20the anniversary so they are dishing out free data which is 200MB and it’s eligible to all mtn users which you will also get your you should not panic if you have not get your own for just read the guide below so as to know how to get your own mtn 20the anniversary free 200MB data.
You might think is just a small thing but not for is also and update that you should enjoy that’s why we are bring it to your doorstep don’t ignore anything we post for something big might come in future and you might ignore that which is something bad so always visit and refer your friend to the blog to get more tips related to the categories that are present on their blog let’s get to todays topics.Â
How To Get The Mtn 20the Anniversary Free 200MB DataÂ
This free 200MB mtn anniversary free data is not something that is hard to get, it’s just that.
You have to be an active mtn user, that is your mtn sim should be active with normal usage either for calls or browsing.
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Make sure you use and make use of it most time to purchase data and airtime in a respectively.
If you follow all above procedures it’s already 12am then you should receive a message as stated below.
Which stated that: Y’ello, It’s MTN 20th Anniversary! You have been rewarded with FREE 200MB for all data activities.Expires 08/08/2021 23:59:00! Bal: Dial *556#. Enjoy!.
Respectively just go ahead and check your data balance once you see this message use the code *556#.
 And the data is valid for just one day which will expire on the same day as at 11:59 am.Â
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So make use of the mtn 200MB before the time, it’s better to tell your friend to always ignore messages to make use of their own free 200MB from mtn with their anniversary before it’s expired.
Enjoy and stay tuned to our telegram channel for. More related tips.