
Google Why Trump Shows When You type Idiot

Photo credit : Alitech team

Google Why Trump Shows When You type Idiot

Google have explain the main reason why trump Appear when you search the word idiot,  very funny right.

Trump images appear under the word idiot

The Google chairman addressing congress for the first time in a while,

Alot of representative have accuse the company potential.

But one of the congress woman is more concern on the issues of Trump

Picture pop when searching the word idiot

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She said to the chairman we all need to know how search work

Right now if you Google the word idiot under images,

President trump Appear there.

Photo credit : Alitech team

The chair respond to her with some answer

Saying is not their fault it is base on the key words collected,  he also let her know that Google have crawled and store over 1 billions of web page in her index.

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And this key word are taken to  match it against each other and rank them base in 200 signals.

He also add that for now that the issues but they will try rank and find the best   for the query.

It ia what people call him not what we call him,  Google never manually interrupt with anyone.

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