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Artisankonect Review: handy Work Get Paid When Connect With Clients See How

You have found of different skills but you don’t know how to turn it to fund or you have an handwork we call it’s handyman and you don’t find it’s easy to have a client not to worry again for Artisankonect got you covered but you might be confused about how and how can you go about that right?  That’s why it’s recommended to read this article to the end. 

In layman word or simple words we call artisankonect a platform that bring skill one or handyman together with client that wish to have any services related to the one he stated and want it to be present in professional ways then that’s why artisankonect come through to provide the client what they want and make sure everything go smoothly without any error. 

You’re still confused right, let’s dive in more. 

What Is Artisankonect? 

It’s gotten from the word Artisan Connect which are two different words  to form Artisankonect which mean Artisans are connected to client’s and get paid for that in easy and smooth ways. 

Or in other ways artisans are also handymans which are ready to offer their services to any clients that need their services and artisankonect with them to connect both the handyman and client together and make sure everything goes smoothly without any error and make sure both parties get what they want. 


Some of the skills that you can find are Event planner office cleaning, painting, Printer, carpentry, electricals, plumbing and much more that you can think of different hand works and skills that are needed all ready for connection through artisankonect. 

It’s better to know more about the platform before you can dive in right. Let’s go about knowing the founders of this platform. 

Who Comes About Artisankonect? 

Different heads come together to bring up this platform which seems to be something not easy to find in Nigeria so Nwizuzu Francis Chukwuka, Barnabas Kolo and Ayodeji Ayorinde are the founder of this platform which they all have different major effect they take off to make the platform accessible for every individual. 

The platform was just launch and they focus on just two major state in Nigerian right now Lagos and Abuja that they still add more quote according to their press release that they might expand if things keep turning out well for them. 

Artisankonect was launched in July 2021 and it’s ready for you to access with all four founders who are provided with different countries’ tasks. 

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Founder Task And Skill Attached To Them

Chukwuka is said to be a business man which he was prompted to be one of the people to make the project come into completion and it’s now available as artisankonect company design for skills once, handymans and clients. 

Ayodeji is a software developer, an expert in UI/UX design, web developer and a digital marketer who is responsible for the whole interface of the platform web page or website. He also carries out a great role on the platform management and security. 

Barnabas also a software or web developer who carry out the most back-end work of the platform artisankonect website which is something mostly or tools that will be used to bring up a professional handyman to serve any client that will be prompt to them. 

They all carry out a great role in bringing up the platform just to make both parties get what they want respectively. 

Artisankonect review

How To Join Artisankonect 

  • It’s very easy to join their platform; you just have to go to to register with your info. 
  • Either as a handyman or a client that needs any type of services. 
  • And its stated that you wil have to register on the platform with a valid ID card at any one prompt to be used in the country. 
  • The platform is well secured which won’t joke around with your details and they are only prompt to provide their services to people in Lagos and Abuja for now. 

Visit the platform and state your experience with them in the comment section and let us know your thoughts about this review. 

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