Write For Us

Write For Us 


Wanna Write For Alitech blog? 


We offer personal and inter-writing as freelance issues as unpaid writing for those who wish to write for us. 


Paid opportunities for those who will like us to hire them will be considered into our agenda very soon. 


For now, we can only guarantee unpaid writing for does who feel they have something they feel like to publish on our platform (Alitech blog) 


What are the types of articles we allow on our site? We like to offer our viewers technology-related content, tech news, free browsing cheat, tweak & tricks, Somehow to do stuff, Computer and Android Games, Phone Reviews, And Top ways on how to Make Money Online. 


We also involve and accept any eye witness related to the category we list above. To do so, 


Kindly send us Email: Alitechziy@gmail.com


To publish any of your articles, what are you waiting for to quickly send us a mail attached with the article you want to get published and wait to see it live on our platform. 

Note: Publication Feee Involve

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