Rubies is quickly a new platform for banking and other services which are apply to them like :
Business: which they empower business with the free rubies business solution for automated book keeping, access to free marketing.
Others services are also attached to it like serving the community independent Banker and more other which we will discuss about on the post.

Rubies also offer some independent Banker package which seems like a refer program which is what we will mostly empathize on.
On these post buh before we go much more further let learn what the word Rubies implies and what they are capable of doing.
What Is Rubies?
Rubies is a Digital Bank which offer there customers Zero I mean free digital banking, Tastefully designed for there respective customers.
These platform Rubies also offer zero bank charge that us zero free banking which does not involve any hidden charge that will be save easily.
Rubies it’s a Digital bank that is 100% digital bank tastefully built on Mobile, Web, USSD and chatbot that makes it 100% safe to be use for banking..

They also exist in 1300 Branches in Nigeria which they all perform all bank need,
which mostly gain access to over 1000 AtMs accross the country Nigeria and other countries they exist in.
In short words : Rubis is the digital banking platform of high street Microfinance bank.
They offer 100% digital, Zero-fee banking
And offer support for Young professionals, artisans, SMEs, businesses, communities and group, lately and Fintechs.

There independent Banker line which I said earlier that it like the Referral program
on these Platform which allow you to join tens of independent bankers And sell banking.
Earn revenue on your customers that is people you refer and also enjoy the tasteful dashboards to help you monitor and boost your sales…
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Now that we know what Rabies is all about let move to the next by
getting started of opening there account that is
designed to suit banking needs and make banking experience a pleasant one.
How To Create A Rubies Account
Before you will proceed in creation of these account
I would like you to empathize on something that will make you gain and not to regret on these
Check out our latest Money making platform here and the most one that you will refer someone and get paid on.
You can go straight to Rubies site and sign-up or
I prefer you download there Smartphone app here both available for Android and IOS users Straight Download link here,
After downloading follow the steps below to open your account view the visual and text mode has followed:
Steps To Open Rubies Account
- Open the Appp (Rubies app) a pop menu will appear to you has show in the screenshot below.
- You will be provided with a Space to log-in or to Register
(Sign-up) if you don’t have an account with them before then proceed to the next step but if you do have skip the next step and go more further to see your next step to be taking. - Then you will be provided we all space to input you mobile phone number and mail
- Fill the details needed appropriately and click on proceed to see the next step,
A notification message will pop up saying your phone number will be used has your username but don’t worry you can still change it if you like. - Next Step you will be provided with a menu to fill in your Username
(your phone number already provided has your default username change it if you like)
and full name.Steps To Open Rubies Account
- After that you will be provide with a page to select your six digits pin
which will be used to log-in with your username
proceed and provide the password you or pin you
will like to make use of and process to the next step. - Now a page will come up for you to Select or account number and let them suggest a account number for you,
You can chose anyone you like either you provide your Rubies account number your self or they provide it for you all the same. - A OTP one time password was send to your phone and email that you provide on the first stepcopy the pin and paste it to the respective place then tick the mark button and proceed to the next step has show below
- Finally you have successfully create and gotten a rabies account number,
You will be sent a welcome message view your email and the number you use to registered on Rubies like A pop-up message will be shown to you has shown below :

Message Saying welcome to Rubies digital banking at its finest #freedom #independent banking.

After you might have finish creating Rubies account you can check out the service they offer before proceeding further
which rang from to send money, pay bills, money market, Rubies box, proximity, independent Banker, etc.

But the independent backer menu provided there is the one we are emphasis on now.

How to Refer Your friend to Rubies
Firstly open your Rubies app either from you android devices or IOS.
- Select Independent Banker as pointed to below

- A page will appear to you has shown below click on
Get link Tab then you will be redirected to the section on which
Social media listed on your phone you what to share the link on.

- Select anyone, After sharing it to any of your friend you will see it appear has shown below
saying that they should check rubies that you make use of it has
digital banking likewise you also earn has a independent Banker .

- That all you can start Sharing the link to your other friends by just copying the first message you share to your friend or group and start sharing it to others.
- Now that have know how you can earn on rubies by being and independent Banker on rubies,
I will also let you know that rubies
Give any of there new users free ATM Card with free delivery Sounds good Right?
The platform since to be new but with a lot of branches and they also operate digitally has they said,
Now let go straight to know how you will get your own ATM Card on Rubies.
How To Get An ATM Card On Rubies.
Some requirements are needed before you can be able to apply for rubies Atm request
check out the requirements has listed below :

Requirements To Apply For ATM Card On Rubies
- Your Details (Ranging from your Name, Address etc)
- Valid ID Card (Either National ID, or Driver’s license or likewise International Passport)
- Utility Bills (Your Water Supply biil, Or Electricity Bill you can use any valid bill charge from same address you make use of)
- And Signature (Your own personal Signature)
Application Of Atm On Rubies
- Firstly open your rubies app and click on card menu.
- Then you have to provide them with your details by clicking on the details tap,
Details Ranging from House No, Street Name, Address, Nearest Bustop or landmark, country, state and city. - After Submitting your details by click on complete, Next thing to do now it to submit your ID card.
- Submission of ID card which involve snapping of the ID card with your smartphone it has to be clear so that they can see the information on the card.
- Click on upload a card and complete it by clicking the complete button.
- Next step is to submit your utility bill, By also taking the snapshot of it and upload it the click on complete.
- Finally you have to write your signature on a clean paper snapshot it and upload it too then you have finally apply for rubies ATM.
Your Request will furthered to there operators and they will proceed the request for you then you have to wait for the request to complete and get your card..
How To Earn On Rubies
Has we said earlier you can earn on rubies has an independent Banker when you invite
people to rubies view your link and
whenever they make transactions on Rubies you get paid at some percent rate.
Payment range depend on the transactions your customers or you down liner make,
So grab your phone start inviting your friends has an independent Banker and earn free.
If you have any questions regarding these post use the comments box to state it and wait for instant reply.