What we are about to talk about is Cmd is one of the fast and easiest ways to command and also give a command to a computer, it is a dos operating system that is built inside any GUI operating system.
What Makes us emphasize using it to get your lost wireless network passwords.
In this little article, we will show you how you can show all wireless networks ( WIFI ) that you have connected to before and after.
That seems you don’t have access to the pass again and you wish to have them with you for some optional reasons or you just need to make use of it.
Has said earlier I will show you or lead you through the way on how you can get a forgotten wifi password and you have connected to the wireless network before and you don’t get access to the password again.
With the help of Cmd ( Command prompt ), everything will be easy for us but before we go further I will like us to know more about what cmd is all about and what is capable of doing on a computer system.
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What is cmd
CMD is also known as Command Prompt it is the counterpart of command.com and Dos
in the windows operating systems, the abbreviation for command in cmd that simply means command.
Was also noted that Windows 95 users can only enter the command line by entering commands, Therefore Cmd is the command-line interpreter in windows 95, 98, OS/2, eComstation, windows NT, and ReactOS operating systems.
CMD is also used to carry out a specific action that is assigned to a program to
perform a specific task, Depending on what kind of system is being used.
There is a brief explanation about cmd if you wish to know more about it you can do more
research on it on your own let’s proceed to the next thing.

Knowing what cmd is and what is capable of I will like us to move to the number one priority of these posts or articles which is :
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How to find wifi password on computer using cmd
Firstly you have to locate your cmd terminal and grant it administrator privilege by following the below steps, You have to grant the cmd terminal admin access so that you can get full control of your computer by using cmd commands to do that follow the below steps:
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Step’s To Grant Cmd admin access
Step 1 on How to grant Cmd administrative privileges
- Alter the command (Windows Key+R) on your computer if you are running a windows 10 or 8 operating system. Has shown below on the SS
- Other way you just have to go to your Task manager
- Click on file from the top menu bar
- Select Run new task A menu will pop out showing cmb in the box
- Check Create the task with administrative privileges
- Finally click on ok

Then you have granted cmd admin access you can now go for the next step on which command to alter that will lead you to what we are about to carry out now, If you were unable to use these guides cause is like the process might be different for windows 10 or 7 operating system using just follow these steps that will be listed below if the first step’s do not work for you.
Step 2 on How to grant Cmd administrative privileges
- Goto your startup menu bar in the search bar
- Type CMD and you will be provided with the list of cmd on your search result
- Select the option that is provided as Run as administrator
- Then you will see your cmd terminal open that is granted admin or administrative privilege.
After you might have been able to grant your cmd admin access the next thing is to run some command on the terminal so that you can get what you are looking for let proceed.
Command ‘s Used In Getting wifi password on computer using cmd
- On your cmd terminal after the administrative privilege is granted Type the following commands:
netsh wlan show profile

you will be provided with the list of wifi that you have connected to before as shown in the screenshot below:

- Next type the following command :
netsh wlan export profile folder=c:\ key=clear

Then you will be provided with the result has shown below:

Goto your local disk storage location main one then you will see some sought of files that was saved on your computer as shown below:

- The file contain detail of all the whole wifi you have connected to before and after.
- Open the file ranging from the one you wish to get the password, open the file with your computer Notepad.
- Then you will find The password in the KeyMaterial section.
Doing all these and following the necessary steps as stated above you have successfully gotten your hidden wifi password using Command prompt awesome or not, Simple or Not? Please answer these questions in the comments box thanks always come for more related posts.
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