In as much most people seems to conclude that internet service providers provide us with data but seems to be expensive that’s what most people talk about, but did you know you can still get mtn 9GB for N2000 and 24GB for 3500 it’s data plan with the huge amount but it’s cheap but might not be affordable for all. Nevertheless, we bring to you the latest airtel free data of 2022 that will give you 500MB for free.
This airtel free data is somehow related to the previous year airtel free data of 1GB and 3GB free data that was provided by airtel, but now we are left with 500MB which is also something you can brag about getting for free in 2022 officially provided by airtel respectively.
If you know in 2020 airtel will provide free 1GB data for people that download and signup to their official app the process that you will need to follow for you to be able to get this Airtel Free 500MB data is also related to using the My Airtel App. Let’s get into detail.
How To Get Airtel 500MB Free Data, Airtel 2022 Free Data
Very simply you will just need to My Airtel App for you to get the airtel 500MB free.
After you’ve downloaded and installed My Airtel App to your device which can be gotten from here.
You will need to purchase or start using the app to purchase data that ranges from N999 which tends to be 1000 amounts of data.
In summary, once you purchase N1000 amount of data using My Airtel App then you will be granted free data of 500MB.
You can gain access to the app by just downloading the app, installing the app, providing your number on my airtel app, and requesting OTP.

Once you prove the OTP then you can now gain access to the app.

Then finally you can go ahead to purchase your data and get yourself free 500MB data from airtel as shown in the screenshot below.
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How many times have you gotten your own 500MB free data from airtel? Let us know in the comments section respectively.
, sign in to the app, purchase 1000 amounts of data using the app and get 500MB for free officially by airtel.
It’s not a trick or free browsing cheat but just a free data offer from airtel. Enjoy why it’s last.