
How to activate 150mb for N100 And 1GB for N500 On Airtel

Airtel 150mb for N100 and 1GB for N500

Airtel 150mb for N100 and 1GB for N500
As you know mostly our post based on posting cheap and free browsing tips for our viewers, you all can witness these unless if you are new here.
We do put more interest in that So has to certified our viewers with cheap data plan and gain free access to internet as we all know in Nigeria we are left behind with cost data plan from our provided network’s server ranging from Mtn,9mobile, Glo and Airtel.

Let leave all the discussion behind focus on the main point,
I will be showing you how you can activat some whooping data plan on your airtel line, Which causes no harm if use engage in doing it.

Check the listed terrific plan below. 

 Airtel 150MB for N100; Valid for 1 day 
Airtel 400MB for N200; Valid for 3 days 
Airtel 1.5GB for N500; Valid for 14 days 
Airtel 3GB for N1000; Valid for 1 month 
Airtel 5GB for N1500; Valid for 1 month 
Airtel 7GB for N2000; Valid for 1 month 
Airtel 11GB for N3000; Valid for 1 month 

Now we talk about how you can get it activated ( Airtel 150mb for N100 and 1GB for N500 ),
Although I try it with my old Sim using some process which I will share and it’s turns  to bring me positive result, but if it doesn’t work you.

You just have to follow the percussion I will post Below,
Never the less I just provide my Airtel sim with the value amount I wish to subscribe with and I dial the code (*141* amount I wish to subscribe with#) And
Boom my subscription of N1000 turns be 3GB which have been making use for some time vividly.

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yea you notice that my data plan( Airtel 150mb for N100 and 1GB for N500 )
was just doubled cool or not let talk about other process below But you have to know
how to activate the double data offer first before we can go to the next process of getting the data
not to talk much let get to the point.   

How To Activate Airtel Double Data Bonus

  > First of all, you have to get a new Airtel 4G sim, register and activate it.

    > Then send GET to 141 in a text message
(this will activate double data bonus on your line).  

  How to activate Airtel 150mb for N100, 1GB for N500 And 3GB for N1000

  > Recharge your line with the required amount for the plan you want to go for.

  > Then dial *144#. A menu will pop-up, select the data plan you wish to go for.

 Remember You will keep getting double data offer for the next 3 months.
After which you will be served with the normal data rates as usual Sounds great or not,
Let know about your opinion view the comment box Enjoy. 


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Offer Can still be Activated?

Straight answer is yes, cause airtel still double data of some there customers likewise to does who purchase new sim that new airtel line.

So you can follow all these steps to get your data activated always check back for more updates.


These Post Was Updated On:15/12/2019

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